Today, 31 May 2024, marks a significant milestone as Edda Wind can announce that our Vard CSOV NB965 were successfully launched– at Vard Braila, Romania.
This just after 7 months and 3 weeks – as it was keel laid on the slipway October 12, 2023.

Hull 965 is now launched with all underwater equipment installed and will now undergo approx. 2 months of remaining production alongside Vard Braila, Romania, before she will be towed off to Vard Brattvåg, Norway, for the remaining activities. Remaining activities include topside equipment installation, commissioning and sea trials before delivery.
Our Vard-0425 Commissioning Service Operation Vessels design has been designed exclusively for Edda Wind. It is designed with unparalleled flexibility and operability for operations in wind farms anywhere in the world. Hull 965 is prepared for zero-emission operations based on a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) concept in addition to being methanol ready.